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Wilderness Travel – Trail Craft

Wilderness rules govern play while the party is not in a specific location, is not in an urban setting and is not taking mechanized transportation (Riverboat, Train, etc). It does apply to Horseback and Stagecoach travel. It does apply even if the party is not traveling.

The Wilderness Day

The wilderness day is broken down into six, 4-hour, segments. The party will need to play 1 Wilderness round of Trail Craft versus the land to achieve various goals. Their success or failure determines if they achieve them or if encounters are triggered.

Each day starts a new peril tracker. All peril action points from the previous day are removed at the start of the Morning round.

Wilderness Day
  • Morning (~4:00 AM to 8:00 AM)
  • Mid-Day (~8:00 AM to Noon)
  • Afternoon (~Noon to 4:00 PM)
  • Evening (~4:00 PM to 8:00 PM)
  • Night – First Watch (~8:00 PM to Midnight)
  • Night – Second Watch (~Midnight to 4:00 AM)

Wilderness Round

Wilderness rounds are played using the Trail Craft versus skill. The land the party is in will determine the wager needed to achieve various actions. Typically, this is in Sweat.

Each player will get a hand delt based on their Trail Craft skill, the game master will play the land’s hand. Players who beat the land, achieve their goal. Players who loose, will have their wagers converted into Peril action points.

At the end of the round, the peril points, plus any base peril points from the land are added to the day tracker. Once this exceeds the peril needed to trigger an encounter, the next wilderness round will be replaced by the encounter.

Sleeping characters cannot take part in a wilderness round, but will still add base peril per round.

Wilderness Actions

Each Land on a map will define the wager needed to achieve each of these goals.

  • Find Water
  • Find Game
  • Find Forgeable Food
  • Find Specific Forgeable
  • Find Firewood
  • Find Path
  • Track Target
  • Find Safe Campsite
  • Keep Watch – This action can be taken when a party is at an established camp. If the player wins, their wagered sweat is subtracted from the overall daily peril. If they lose, their sweat is not added to the peril tracker.

Trail Craft


The Trail Craft skill is what is used to determine the wilderness day by playing versus the land.

Low Skill

  • 1 Card in Hand
  • 1 AP per Sweat Wagered on win
  • 1 Peril Point per Sweat Wagered on Loss

Mid Skill

  • 2 Cards in Hand
  • 1 AP per Sweat Wagered on win
  • 1 Peril Point per Sweat Wagered on Loss

High Skill

  • 2 Cards in Hand
  • 1 AP per Sweat Wagered on win
  • 1 Peril Point per 2 Sweat Wagered (Round Up) on Loss

Expert Skill

  • 3 Cards in Hand
  • 1 AP per Sweat Wagered on win
  • 1 Peril Point per 2 Sweat Wagered (Round Up) on Loss


Trail craft can also function as a skill, or compound skill in non-wilderness rounds. This would be for things like constructing basic bushcraft shelters or tools, tracking game, tying knots, securing ropes or other such actions. In general these should be treated as compound skills with an Action Point cost.

Low Skill

  • 1 Card in Hand
  • 1x AP Multiplier

Mid Skill

  • 2 Cards in Hand
  • 1.5x AP Multiplier (Round Down)

High Skill

  • 2 Cards in Hand
  • 2 APx AP Multiplier

Expert Skill

  • 3 Cards in Hand
  • 3x AP Multiplier

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