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Melee Action – Versus

Armed or unarmed combat between two or more parties.


Must be within melee range of target


  • Low: 1 in Hand
  • Mid: 1 in Hand, one Face Up
  • High: 2 in Hand
  • Expert: 3 in Hand
  • Reach
    If one player has a longer reach weapon than the other, they get an additional face up card for each level of reach they have in excess of their opponent.

Win => 7: Maximum Damage
Win 5-6: Enhanced Damage
Win 2-4: Standard Damage
Win 1: Basic Damage


  • Preconditions
    Must be able to take step action
    Must have room to take step action
    Step Action must put minimum 1 square between an attacker
  • Cost
    Buy-In Lost
    All Bets Lost
  • Result
    Opponents no longer engaged are refunded wager
    Opponents no longer engaged are not refunded buy-in

Melee Weapon Table:

Sm Knife2B6B4B10B1
Med Knife4B8B10B18B1
Lg Knife8B10B14B24B1
Sm Club4B-4T5B-8T7B-12T12B-27T1
Lg Club5B-5T7B-10T12B-15T18B-30T2
Sm Blunt Obj2B-3T4B-6T5B-11T8B-26T1
Med Blunt Obj4B-4T5B-8T7B-12T12B-24T2
Large Blunt Obj5B-5T7B-10T12B-15T18B-13T3
* Tomahawk has +10B damage when using the Strike action

Sucker Punch / Sneak Attack

A character may also attempt a Sucker Punch or Sneak Attack. To do so, the parties involved must not already be in combat and any weapon used (Sneak Attack) must already be in the attacker’s hand and unobserved by the defender. Sucker punches are done unarmed.

To achieve the attack, the attacker makes a Care Check for highest possible value and the defender makes an Observation Check for highest possible value but cannot buy rerolls of unmatching life force values.


Attacker Win

  • by 1: Attacker does Maximum Damage
  • by 2: Attacker does Enhanced Damage
  • by 3 or more: Attacker does Standard Damage

Attacker Loss

  • by 1: Attack unsuccessful
  • by 2: Defender hits attacker for Basic Damage
  • by 3 or more: Defender hits attacker for Enhanced Damage
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