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- Articles coming soon
- Mystical Reload Action - Casting
- Smooth Words Action - Casting
- Haze Predator Action - Casting
- Resist Fear Action - Casting
- Rally Action - Casting
- Turn Herd Action - Casting
- Recovery Actions - Casting
- Inquiry Action: Casting
- Casting Action
- Skill Action
- First Aid - Injury, Illness and Wounds
- Motivate Will - Casting Action
- Use Mystic Item - Casting
- Compel Paranormal - Casting
- Round Guide
- Chomp - Creature Force
- Bite Strike - Creature Skill
- Mystical Reload Action - Casting
- Hymn of Protection Action - Skill
- Smooth Words Action - Casting
- Haze Predator Action - Casting
- Resist Fear Action - Casting
- Rally Action - Casting
- Roping Action - Skill
- Turn Herd Action - Casting
- Alcohol - Actions and Statuses
- Poison / Venom
- Recovery Actions - Casting
- Throwing Action - Skill
- Wrestling Action - Versus
- Melee Action - Versus
- Shooting Action - Skill
- Use Tool Action: Skill
- Inquiry Action: Casting
- Quickdraw Action: Reaction
- Bartering Action: Versus
- Searching Action: Compound Skill
- Movement Action
- First Aid - Injury, Illness and Wounds
- Riding Movement - Action
- Show Remaining Articles (11) Collapse Articles
- The Corruption - Western Kennesaw
- The Badlands - Western Kennesaw
- The Bloke Hills - Western Kennesaw
- The Nine Farms - Western Kennesaw
- The Lowlands - Western Kennesaw
- The Muthbuck Range - Western Kennesaw
- The Ranch Lands - Western Kennesaw
- The Lakewoods - Western Kennesaw
- Western Mozarks - Western Kennesaw
- The Sonotra Plain - Sonotra, Tejis
- The Sonotra Mountains - Sonotra, Tejis
Adventure Packs
- Revoking the Invitation - Encounter - CftD 10
- To Plataveta - Encounter - CftD 9
- Crossing into Sonotra - Encounter - CftD 8
- Around the Fated Bend - Encounter - CftD 7
- Acquiring Provisions in Terrance - Encounter - CftD 4
- Expulsior Tome - Encounter - CftD 3
- Gremlin Ambush - Encounter - CftD 6
- Race Out of Town - Encounter - CftD 5
- Duel at Dawn - Encounter - CftD 2
- Busty's Piano and Tap Room - Encounter - CftD1
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Hymn of Protection Action – Skill
PostedJune 23, 2024
UpdatedAugust 15, 2024
Singing a hymn of protection mitigates paranormal presence by divine intervention.
- Prerequisites:
Paranormal entities are able to hear and listen - May not take any speaking action at the same time but may take any other action
- Low: 3 Sweat
- Mid: 2 Sweat
- High: 1 Sweat
- Expert: None
- Low: 1
- Mid: 2
- High: 2
- Expert: 3
Low-Mid: 35
High-Expert: 30
- Make Break – Suppresses all Fear Effects for Next Round
- Over Break => 2 – Removes any Fear Affects
- Over Break => 5 – Plus Restores 1 Tears
- Over Break => 10 – Plus Drive All Non-Possessing Paranormal within 20 yards back 10 yards
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